Foods for Skin Glow – The Best Foods to Eat

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Foods for Skin Glow – The Best Foods to Eat – The Skin is a delicate organ. Diet plays an important role in the functioning of the skin and even its related structures – Nails and Hair. The skin is highly sensitive – it manifests a lot of food-based allergic reactions. The skin is also sensitive to Nutritional content – whenever there’s a deficiency in nutrients, especially Vitamins A and C, Proteins, Fatty acids and zinc, the skin responds negatively. This is because the cells of the skin undergo constant replacement and these nutrients are requirements.

Foods for Skin Glow

Thus, a healthy diet, sufficient of right nutrients is almost all the skin needs to glow and be beautiful. Raw food, fruits and veggies in their natural state without any sort of culinary and industrial processing does great magic to the skin.


Research has shown that eating a cucumber is like drinking a glass of water. 96% of the total weight of a cucumber is water and this makes it of great biological and healing value.

It is also composed of Provitamin A, Vitamins B, C and E.

Cucumbers keep the skin Hydrated and provides Sulphur needed for healthy skin cells, nails and hair.

Cucumbers detoxify the bloodstream of toxic wastes, thus preventing Eczema, Psoriasis and even Dermatosis.

When applied topically, they are good beauty treatment.

They can be eaten Raw or Cooked.

 2• |HONEY|

When applied topically, it is useful for the treatment of wounds, sores, skin ulcers, burns and carbuncles. It soothes pains, hastens healing and acts as an Antiseptic.

 3• |PEANUT|

Contrary to public opinion, Peanuts are great for the health of the skin due to its high levels of Niacin and Unsaturated Fatty acids that aids skin cell regeneration.

The oil extracted from Peanut is Effective for Burns, Scalds, Ringworm, itch, Eczema, Dry Skin or Dermatitis in general. The oil can be taken orally or topically as a lotion on the skin.

 4• |MANGO|

This is a rich source of Provitamin A, Vitamins C, E and B group, soluble fiber and Carotenoids. It maintains healthy skin. It is a Potent antioxidant that neutralizes oxidant free radicals that are responsible for cellular aging thus preventing Skin aging. It maintains the Epithelial tissues of the Skin. It prevents skin dryness and scaling, Eczema and Dermatosis.

 5• |PAWPAW|

This is a Potent Skin beauty enhancer. The juice of raw pawpaw is an irritant. When applied on the skin, in cases of inflammation, it prevents Pus formation. It also removes freckles, spots, corns, warts, pimples and leaves the skin smooth and delicate.

The paste of pawpaw seed also removes ringworm.

 6• |GARLIC|

As unexpected as it is, Garlic is great for the Skin. It treats pimples and even tough forms of acne, without leaving scars when applied topically. It is known to relieve boils.

When taken orally, it helps purify the blood and hence, clear the skin.


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